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Audible Audiobooks download

Download Audible Audiobooks og prøv en gratis prøveperiode

Audible Audiobooks er et digitalt lydbogsbibliotek, som er udgivet af Amazon, et af de største firmaer i Amerika. Hvis du er vild med at lytte til (engelske) lydbøger, så er Audible helt sikkert et must-try for dig. Der er dog nogle ting, som du skal være opmærksom på, inden du påbegynder et abonnement på tjenesten - alt dette (og meget mere) gennemgår vi i denne artikel. 


Audible kan bruges på dine mobile enheder med den smarte Audible App. 

Du kan downloade appen til din iPhone. Hvis du i stedet bruger en Android telefon, så findes der også en version til denne. 

Hvis du er på din windows computer, kan du også vælge at downloade den designerede app til denne platform. Du finder linket til det gratis download nederst på denne side. 

Læs populære titler - find din næste besættelse

Audible har efterhånden et bredt bibliotek af bøger tilgængeligt - faktisk har de efter sigende det største udvalg af lydbøger overhovedet (hvilket ikke er særligt overraskende, når man tænker på, at det er Amazon der står bag databasen). Amazons bibliotek er rimelig nemt at finde rundt i. 

Du kan gå ind på deres hjemmeside og lede efter e-bøger og lydbøger. Du kan blandt andet vælge ud fra kategori, så hvis du for eksempel er særligt glad for krimier, romantiske fortællinger, eller leder efter informativt indhold, så kan du se alt indholdet, som passer til denne genre. 

Derudover er der selvfølgelig også nogle af de største titler, såsom bøger fra J. K. Rowling, J. R. R. Tolkien, Stephen Fry, Arthur Conan Doyle, Andrzej Sapkowski og mange flere. 

Find den stemme, som giver dig lyst til at ‘læse’ flere bøger

Udover at have et bredt katalog af forfattere, du kan vælge imellem, så kan du også kigge efter hvem der har lagt stemme til lydbøgerne. I nogle tilfælde er det forfatteren selv (hvilket for mange kan være en givende oplevelse, da man dermed får den mest autentiske oplevelse, og får et indblik ind i forfatterens sind. 

Nogle ender endda også med at få en yndlings-oplæser, som enten kan være med til at gøre historien endnu mere spændende, eller afslappende, hvis du for eksempel bruger dine lydbøger til at falde i søvn. 

Hvad får du med i den gratis prøveperiode (free trial)?

Den gratis prøveperiode strækker sig over 30 dage og i dette tidsrum får du selvfølgelig en gratis credit, som du kan bruge til at downloade en lydbog, som er din for evigt; selv hvis du ikke længere abonnerer på tjenesten. 

Det er noget af et tilbud - overvej hvis du f.eks. prøvede Netflix gratis og fik lov til at vælge en serie eller film, du gerne ville se den første måned, og derefter var den din for evigt. Det er der ikke mange tjenester, der kan hamle op med. 

Hvad får du med i audible premium?

Med et audible membership får du adgang til eksklusive titler, blandt andet audible originals, som er titler, du ikke finder på nogen anden platform. Hvis du vil have titler, der går ud over Amazons egne originale titler, så bliver du nødt til at opgradere til den dyrere pakke, kaldet Audible Premium Plus. 

Audible Premium Plus Catalog

Med et Premium Plus abonnement bliver det muligt for dig at få endnu flere lydbøger. Hver måned, du har et aktivt abonnement, kan du gratis downloade én titel fra biblioteket. Dette gør du gennem deres ‘credit’ system, som er en valuta, du kan substituere et køb fra Amazons bogafdeling med. 

Hvis du en måned ikke føler for at købe en bog, så lægger din månedlige credit sig blot ind i din pung, så du kan bruge den på et senere tidspunkt. 

Her skal du dog igen være opmærksom - Audible oplyser, at du ikke får lov at beholde dine credits, hvis du vælger at opsige dit abonnement (til gengæld får du lov at beholde den bog, du har brugt din credit på - så de råder til helst at bruge din credit så snart du kan). 

Du kan max holde op til 6 credits af gangen med et Premium Plus abonnement (eller 18 om året, hvis du har et årligt abonnement: ‘Annual subscription’). 

Audible Plus abonnementet koster 70 DKK om måneden, mens Premium Plus abonnementet koster cirka 139 DKK om måneden, hvilket er billigt for en enkelt lydbog hver måned (som ellers normalt koster 250 kroner eller mere). 

Problemer - forbered dig selv, inden du bliver kunde hos Amazon

Nogle kunder har rapporteret forskellige problemer i forbindelse med deres abonnement; særligt når det kom til at afslutte abonnementet. Så sørg for at sætte dig godt ind i, hvad du skriver dig op til, og hvordan du slipper ud af det igen også. 

Flere programmer

Hvis du er glad for at lytte til lydbøger, så er der en chance for, at du også har et større digitalt bog bibliotek liggende allerede. Eller måske er du ikke skiftet over til det digitale univers endnu, men bruger stadig fysiske bøger. Ligegyldigt hvad du foretrækker, så kan du downloade All My Books, som er et bibliotek, hvor du selv kan indtaste oplysninger om dine materialer (eller hente dem ned fra Amazon). Derefter kan du se oversigter og statistikker for dine bøger og læsevaner. 

Hvis du bliver træt af at lytte til bøger, så kan du altid lytte til din yndlingsmusik med iTunes til Windows. Hvis du i forvejen ejer andre Apple tilbehør (f.eks. en iPhone), bliver det endnu nemmere at bruge iTunes - og derudover kan du også tilkøbe et Apple Musik abonnement, som koster en lille sjat penge hver måned, men som til gengæld giver dig fri mulighed for at lytte til alle deres tilgængelige sange. 


Audible er et godt bibliotek til folk som en gang imellem hører lydbøger, men som alligevel ikke når at høre meget mere end en enkelt bog om måneden i gennemsnit. 

Det er værd at være opmærksom på, at mange danskere rapporterer, at de har svært ved at komme i kontakt med Amazons customer service, og at nogle har haft problemer i forbindelse med opsigelse af deres abonnement, hvorefter der fortsat trækkes penge fra kortet. 

Processen med opsigelse er ellers rimelig ligetil, men hvis man ikke er den mest ferme med online handel og abonnementer, så skal man være ekstra påpasselig, når man tilmelder sig. 

Mængden af titler, du kan få adgang til fra Amazon er helt enormt, og du kommer på ingen måde til at løbe tør for bøger at lytte til. Biblioteket opdateres jævnligt, så du kan få adgang til nogle af de nyeste titler, lige når de udkommer. 

Download Audible Audiobooks 10.5 her

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59.9 Mb
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Audible Limited and its affiliates (“Audible”) are pleased to offer a service that permits users to discover, purchase, receive and play digital spoken word audio entertainment (“Audible Content”) through Audible’s websites, including, and its applications for mobile devices (collectively, the “Audible Service”). If you use the Audible Service, you accept these conditions of use (“Conditions of Use”). Please read them carefully. In addition to the Conditions of Use, you will also be subject to (1) the Audible Purchase Terms & Conditions, which govern any purchase you make through the Audible Service, (2) the Audible Plan Terms, which govern your enrollment in any Audible membership plan, and (3) any other policies, guidelines, terms and agreements posted on, or otherwise made available to you through, the Audible Service (collectively, the “Terms”). If your country of residence is in the UK or European Union, the Privacy Notice, Cookies Notice and the Interest-Based Ads Notice do not form part of your agreement to the Terms. These policies are available for your review to understand how we handle your personal information.




Please review our Privacy NoticeCookies Notice and Interest-based Ads Notice to understand our practices and your choices in relation to how we handle your personal data.




We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on or through the Audible Service.




We personalize content recommendations, messages and features for you, as part of the Audible Service governed by these Conditions of Use. We will show you recommendations on titles, authors and narrators, and provide you with features and products that reflect your use of the Service.




All content included in or made available through the Audible Service, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations and Audible Content, is the property of Audible or its content suppliers and protected by United Kingdom and international copyright laws. The compilation of all content accessible through the Audible Service is the exclusive property of Audible and protected by United Kingdom and international copyright and database right laws.




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One or more patents owned by Audible apply to this Site and to the features and services accessible via the Site. Portions of this Site operate under license of one or more patents. Click here to see a non-exhaustive list of applicable Audible patents and applicable licensed patents.




Subject to your compliance with these Conditions of Use and your payment of any applicable fees, Audible or its content providers grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to access and make personal and non-commercial use of the Audible Service. Additional license terms may be found in the Terms. This license does not include any resale or commercial use of the Audible Service or its contents; any collection and use of any product listings, descriptions, or prices; any derivative use of the Audible Service or its contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; or any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools.

All rights not expressly granted to you in these Conditions of Use or any applicable Terms are reserved and retained by Audible or its licensors, suppliers, publishers, rightsholders, or other content providers. Neither the Audible Service nor any part of it may be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without express written consent of Audible. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of Audible without express written consent. You may not use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing Audible's name or trademarks without the express written consent of Audible. You are granted a limited, revocable, and nonexclusive right to create a hyperlink to the home page of so long as the link does not portray Audible, or its products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive matter. You may not use any Audible logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of the link without express written permission.

You may not misuse the Audible Service. You may use the Audible Service only as permitted by law. The licenses granted by Audible terminate if you do not comply with these Conditions of Use or any applicable Terms.




As a registered user of the Audible Service, you may receive or establish one or more passwords and accounts ("Audible Account"). If you open a new Audible Account and you have an account with or using the same email address, your account information from your Amazon account will be used to establish your account at Audible and all forms of payment on file with your Amazon account will be linked to your Audible Account. If you register a Kindle tablet device and do not already have an Audible Account, you will automatically be assigned an Audible Account using your Amazon credentials. If you use the Audible Service, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Audible Account(s) and for restricting access to your computer(s) or device(s), and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under any of your Audible Accounts. Audible does sell products for children, but it sells them to adults, who can purchase with a credit card or other permitted payment method. If you are under 18, you may use the Audible Service only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. Audible reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders in its sole discretion.




We may permit visitors to post reviews, comments, photos, and other content; send messages and other communications; and submit suggestions, ideas, comments, questions, or other information. You agree that any content you contribute and any communications you send using means we provide will not be illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing of intellectual property rights, or otherwise injurious to third parties or objectionable and does not consist of or contain software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings, or any form of "spam." You may not use a false e-mail address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of a message or other content. We reserve the right (but not the obligation) to remove or edit such content, but we do not regularly review posted content.

If you do post content or submit any material to us, and unless we indicate otherwise, you grant us a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such content throughout the world in any media. You grant Audible and its sublicensees the right to use the name that you submit in connection with such content, if they choose. You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the content that you post; that the content is accurate; that use of the content you supply does not violate this policy and will not cause injury to any person or entity; and that you will indemnify Audible for all claims resulting from content you supply. We reserve the right (but not the obligation) to monitor and edit or remove any activity or content. Audible takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content posted by you or any third party.




Audible respects the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please follow our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement.




Audible attempts to be as accurate as possible. However, Audible does not warrant that product descriptions or content available through the Audible Service is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.




In addition to these Conditions of Use, the terms found here apply to any software (including any updates or upgrades to the software and any related documentation) that we make available to you from time to time for your use in connection with the Audible Service (the "Audible Software").




We may offer content from parties other than Audible and may permit parties other than Audible to provide services or sell products through the Audible Service. We may also provide links through the Audible Service to the websites of affiliated companies and certain other businesses. We are a distributor, not a publisher, of any materials we offer from third parties and are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and we do not warrant the offerings of, any of these businesses or individuals, the content we obtain from them or the content of their websites. Audible does not assume any responsibility or liability for the actions, product, and content of any third parties. You should carefully review their privacy statements and other conditions of use.





We may make Audible Content available to you from time to time through the Audible Service for which a purchase is not required. You will have access to this content only for so long as we make it available generally or, where it is provided as a benefit of a membership plan, for so long as you remain an active member of your plan in good standing. We may also remove this Audible Content from your account, devices and applications or otherwise restrict your ability to access it.




We reserve the right to remove or disable access to any Audible Content or any other materials posted to or otherwise displayed through the Audible Service, including any Audible Content that violates or otherwise allegedly infringes on the copyright or other intellectual property, proprietary, or other rights of any person, company or other entity. We may add or remove purchasable, promotional and membership Audible Content from our catalogue, membership plans and the Audible Service at any time and make no guarantee as to the availability of specific Audible Content in any membership plan or as to any minimum amount of Audible Content in any membership plan. Some Audible Content may be offered in limited territories, and we may use geofiltering technology to restrict access outside of those territories. We will not be liable for the removal of or disabling of access to any Audible Content or materials.




Your right to use the Audible Service will automatically terminate if you violate these Conditions of Use or any other Terms. In case of such termination, we may terminate your access to the Audible Service without notice and you will not receive a full or partial refund of any fees already paid. Our failure to insist upon or enforce your strict compliance with the Conditions of Use or any other Terms will not constitute a waiver of any of our rights.




Our business may change over time and we reserve the right to modify the Audible Service. We also reserve the right to suspend or discontinue the Audible Service or your use of the Audible Service, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice and without liability to you. In the event that we exercise such right, you may be entitled to a full or partial refund, in our sole discretion, if you are a member of an Audible Plan (as defined in the Audible Plan Terms) or with respect to any purchase you've made.




Audible will be responsible for any losses you suffer as a result of us breaching these conditions if the losses were reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when you commenced using the Audible Service, or a contract for the sale of goods by us to you was formed. We will not be responsible for any business loss (including loss of profits, revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill or wasted expenditure) or any other indirect or consequential loss that is not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when you commenced using the Audible Service or when a contract for the sale of goods by us to you was formed. Audible does not limit in any way our liability by law for death or personal injury caused from our negligence or breach of duty or caused by our gross negligence or wilful misconduct.




By using the Audible Service, you agree that these conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, and the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. You agree, as we do, to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. If you reside in the EU, the European Commission provides for an online dispute resolution platform, which you can access here. If you would like to bring a matter to our attention, please contact us.





Please review our Terms. We reserve the right to make changes to the Audible Service, these Conditions of Use and any Terms at any time. Your continued use of the Audible Service following any changes will indicate your acceptance of such changes. If you do not agree to a change, you must immediately stop using the Audible Service. If any Terms or these Conditions of Use are deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition or term shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition or term.




Because Audible lists thousands of products for sale on the Audible Service and hosts many thousands of comments, it is not possible for us to be aware of the contents of each product listed for sale, or each comment or review that is displayed. Accordingly, Audible operates on a "notice and takedown" basis. If you believe that any content on, or advertised for sale on, the Audible Service contains a defamatory statement, please notify us immediately by following our Notice and Procedure for Notifying of Defamatory Content. Once this procedure has been followed, Audible will make all reasonable endeavours to remove the defamatory content complained about within a reasonable time.

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Audible Purchase Terms and Conditions


Any user may purchase Audible Content on an "A La Carte" basis. Audible members also may purchase content using membership credits in accordance with the terms set forth in the Audible Plan Terms. By making a purchase through the Audible Service you agree to be bound by these Audible Purchase Terms and Conditions.


Purchases of Audible Content


  1. 1. Audible Content License. When you purchase Audible Content, Audible grants you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to download or stream such Audible Content to your computer and/or other device(s) solely for your personal, non-commercial use. You agree to not otherwise copy, reproduce, distribute or use the Audible Content other than as expressly set forth herein. You will not sell, transfer, lease, modify, distribute or publicly perform the Audible Content in any manner and you will not exploit it commercially. You agree to not modify, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Audible Content, or otherwise tamper with the Audible Content or create any derivative works therefrom.
  2. 2. Pricing. With respect to all A La Carte purchases, except where noted otherwise, any list price displayed represents the full retail price listed on the Audible Content itself, as determined by Audible, or as suggested by the manufacturer or supplier, or estimated in accordance with standard industry practice; or the estimated retail value for a comparably featured item offered elsewhere. Prices are subject to change at any time in Audible's sole discretion. Audible cannot confirm the price of an item until you order. Despite our best efforts, a small number of the items in our catalog may be mispriced. If an item's correct price is higher than our stated price, we may at our discretion cancel your order.
  3. 3. Delivery of Audible Content. All Audible Content you purchased will be delivered to your Audible Account.
  4. 4. Risk of Loss. Once we have made Audible Content available to you, you will bear the risk of loss for completing any download of Audible Content after purchase and for any loss of Audible Content you have downloaded, including any loss due to a file corruption or a device or hard drive crash. Purchased Audible Content will generally continue to be available in your Audible Account but may become unavailable due to possible content provider licensing restrictions or other reasons, and Audible will not be liable to you if Audible Content becomes unavailable for further download. You will not receive a full or partial refund of any fees already paid in such situations. Accordingly, we encourage you to download Audible Content promptly after purchase and to make a back-up copy. If you are unable to complete a download after having reviewed our online help resources, please contact Audible customer service.
  5. 5. Payments. You must have a valid payment instrument, such as a credit card or other permitted payment method, on file in your Audible Account in order to use the Audible service. If you are using your Amazon account to access the Audible Service, your default payment instrument will be the default payment instrument you use for purchases from Amazon. If you want to designate a different payment instrument, you must change your authorized payment instrument information online at the "My Account" section of the Audible Service.
  6. 6. Cancellation of Orders. You may cancel your order for purchase of Audible Content within 14 days from the date of your purchase for a full refund by contacting Customer Care, unless you have started to download, stream, or listen to the Audible Content. Once you start to download, stream or listen to the Audible Content, you cannot cancel your order, and you will not receive a full or partial refund for your order. By placing an order to purchase Audible Content, you acknowledge and agree to this.
  7. 7. Subscriptions. Any user may purchase subscriptions to recurring content such as newspapers and magazines on a monthly basis or other recurring basis depending on the recurrence of the content ("Subscriptions"). If you purchase a Subscription, you will be charged the full price of the Subscription at the beginning of the Subscription term. If your default payment instrument is declined for any reason, Audible may charge any payment instrument on file with your Amazon account. Subscriptions may be purchased on an A La Carte basis or by members with credits. With respect to any Subscriptions purchased on an A La Carte basis, if you cancel your Subscription within 14 days, you will be entitled to a full refund. After 14 days, you may be entitled to a refund before the initial term has expired depending upon whether there is a shorter Subscription available for the relevant Audible Content. You will be obligated to pay based upon the Subscription term length closest to the number of months your Subscription was active. For example, if you signed up for a 12 month Subscription and wish to cancel after 5 months, then: (A) if a 6 month Subscription term is available, you would be charged for a 6 month Subscription and refunded the difference between the 12 month and 6 month Subscriptions, or (B) if only a 12 month term is available, you would be charged for the 12 month Subscription.

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Audible Terms and Conditions for Gift and Promotional Codes and Vouchers


Gift Audiobooks, Gift Certificates, Gift Memberships, Promotional Claim Codes and Vouchers (collectively “Gift Items”) are subject to the following Terms and Conditions. By purchasing or redeeming any Gift Item, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions in addition to the Audible Conditions of Use.


Audible Gift Audiobooks



    1. 1. Term and Uses. Audiobooks purchased as gifts ("Gift Audiobooks") will be presented to the recipient in the form of a claim code redeemable for the Gift Audiobook. Gift Audiobooks must be redeemed at ("" or the "Site") and may be used only for the audiobook given. Claim codes for Gift Audiobooks do not expire and are not subject to any dormancy fee or other fees for non-use. Promotional credits, including credits issued in connection with any trial memberships, may not be used to purchase Gift Audiobooks. Gift Audiobooks may not be redeemed by the same Audible account from which they were purchased. If the recipient has the Gift Audiobook in his or her My Library or the Gift Audiobook is not available in the recipient's country, at the time the recipient redeems the claim code for a Gift Audiobook, the recipient will receive either a credit or a voucher in the amount the purchase price of the Gift Audiobook, depending on whether the Gift Audiobook was purchased by redeeming a credit or with cash. Such credits and vouchers are good towards the purchase of an audiobook on only and may not be used to purchase Gift Audiobooks. Credits or vouchers given to the recipient in exchange for the claim code for a Gift Audiobook do not expire. Audible may, in its discretion, advise the purchaser when the claim code for a Gift Audiobook has been redeemed by the recipient in the purchaser's "Account Details" section on the Site. The sales tax ultimately charged will be calculated when the purchaser's charge is authorized and will reflect any applicable state and local taxes.


  1. 2. Limitations.
    • Claim codes for Gift Audiobooks may not be redeemed at or any other website operated by Audible, Inc., its affiliates, or any other person or entity, except as indicated by these Terms and Conditions.
    • Claim codes for Gift Audiobooks cannot be exchanged for other Gift Audiobooks or Gift Memberships.
    • Claim codes for Gift Audiobooks cannot be resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other Audible account, except where required by law.


Audible Gift Memberships


Audible offers gift memberships for its Audible Plans ("Gift Memberships") that are presented to the recipient in the form of a claim code redeemable on In order to begin a Gift Membership, recipients must have or create an account and accept the Conditions of Use. Claim codes for Gift Memberships do not expire and are not subject to any dormancy or other fees for non-use. Audible may, in its discretion, advise the purchaser when the Gift Membership has been redeemed by the recipient. Claim codes for Gift Memberships cannot be resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied towards any other Audible account, except where required by law. Gift Memberships may not be transferred. Once a Gift Membership is redeemed, credits issued in connection with that Gift Membership expire six months after the applicable membership term. For example, if the Gift Membership is a three month membership, the Gift Membership will expire nine months from the date the recipient redeems the membership. If the recipient has an active membership plan, their membership will not be extended. Instead, upon redemption of the Gift Membership code, they will receive credits in an amount equal to the number of months of the applicable Gift Membership and these Credits will not be subject to rollover limits.


Audible Promotional Claim Codes


  1. 1. Term and Uses. Promotional claim codes ("Claim Codes") are for promotional use only and are void where prohibited by law. Claim Codes must be redeemed at and are only redeemable for audiobooks or audiobook credits. Claim Codes expire as indicated on the terms transmitted with the Claim Code. If redeemed for an audiobook credit, the credit may expire after a certain period of time, as indicated on the terms transmitted with the Claim Code. Claim Codes may be subject to additional terms and condition presented with the Claim Code. Claim Codes recipients must have or open an Audible account to redeem Claim Codes. To view the status of a Claim Code, Claim Code holders should visit the "Account Details" section of their Audible account on the Site.
  2. 2. Limitations.
    • Claim Codes may not be redeemed at,, or or any other website operated by Audible, Inc., its affiliates, or any other person or entity, except as indicated by these Terms and Conditions.
    • Claim Codes cannot be used to purchase other Claim Codes or Gift Memberships.
    • Claim Codes cannot be resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other Audible account, except where required by law. Unused Claim Codes in an Audible account may not be transferred.
    • Resale of a Claim Code or use for unauthorized advertising, marketing, sweepstakes or other promotional purposes is strictly prohibited.




  1. 1. Terms and Uses. From time to time, Audible may, in its sole discretion, give reward in the form of vouchers to existing Audible account holders ("Vouchers"). Vouchers may only be redeemed at and are redeemable for Audible content only. Audible will deposit a Voucher directly into the account holder's account and will send the recipient an email stating that the Voucher is available. When the recipient makes a purchase on the Site without using membership or other credits, Vouchers will be the first pound sterling amount used towards the purchase amount. The full amount of any purchase, excluding taxes, will be deducted from the Voucher amount, up to the total funds available. If a purchase made with a voucher exceeds the amount of the Voucher, the balance will be automatically charged to the payment method Audible has on file for the account holder. Vouchers expire as indicated on the terms transmitted in the notification e-mail. The value of a Voucher will be determined by Audible in its sole discretion.
  2. 2. Limitations.
    • Vouchers may not be redeemed for the purchase of Audible content at,, or any other website operated by Audible, Inc., its affiliates, or any other person or entity, except as indicated by these Terms and Conditions.
    • Vouchers cannot be used to purchase Gift Memberships or Claim Codes.
    • Vouchers cannot be resold, transferred for value, redeemed for cash or applied to any other account, except where required by law. Unused Voucher balances in an Audible account may not be transferred.


General Terms


  1. 1. Risk of Loss. The risk of loss and title for claim codes for Gift Audiobooks, Gift Memberships and Vouchers pass to the purchaser upon Audible's electronic transmission to the purchaser, recipient or delivery to the carrier, whichever is applicable. Audible is not responsible if a claim code for an Audible Gift Audiobook, Gift Membership or Voucher is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without your permission.
  2. 2. Fraud; Abuse. Audible may suspend or close customer accounts, revoke or terminate Gift Items, or limit or suspend the ability of customers to purchase or redeem Gift Items in its sole discretion in order to avoid fraud or abuse.
  3. 3. Resale. Resale of a Gift Item or use for unauthorized advertising, marketing, sweepstakes or other promotional purposes is strictly prohibited.
  5. 5. Disputes. Any dispute relating in any way to Audible Gift Audiobooks, Gift Memberships or Vouchers in which the aggregate total claim for relief sought on behalf of one or more parties exceeds £7,500 shall be adjudicated in any court in London, England, and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

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Audible Plan Terms


Audible offers various membership plans ("Audible Plans") for using and paying for the Audible Service. Audible Plans are subject to the terms below and those disclosed through the Audible Service. Membership in an Audible Plan is nontransferable.

  1. 1. Audible Membership Plans. Audible Membership Plans are automatically renewable on a monthly or yearly basis, depending on the plan, until terminated by you or us in accordance with these Audible Plan Terms. Audible will charge your authorized payment instrument the applicable membership fee on your renewal date. If your default payment method is declined for any reason, Audible may charge any payment instrument on file with your Amazon account.
    1. a. Number of Audiobooks. The 1 Book Monthly, 2 Book Monthly, 12 Book Annual, and 24 Book Annual Plans are generally the same except that the number of Credits (defined below) that members receive under certain plans is greater.
    2. b. Annual or Monthly. Each of these membership plans is available either on a monthly or annual basis. Audible, or a third party through which you transact, will charge the applicable monthly or yearly fee for such membership plan on the member's monthly or yearly renewal date, depending on which plan the member selects. Annual members will receive the entire year's credits at the start of their membership and upon any renewal. Monthly members will receive the applicable amount of credits each month.
    3. c. Rollover Members are allowed to rollover a certain number of unused Credits ("Rollover").
      1. i. Monthly Memberships. 1 Book Monthly members may rollover up to 6 unused Credits to the next month of membership and 2 Book Monthly members may rollover up to 12 unused Credits to the next month of membership. If in any given month a monthly member has more than the permitted number of Rollover Credits, the additional unused credits will automatically expire. Note that Credits purchased through iOS do not expire.
      2. ii. Annual Memberships. 12 Book Annual members may rollover up to 6 unused Credits to the next year of membership and 24 Book Annual members may rollover up to 12 unused Credits to the next year of membership. If in any given renewal date a member has more than the permitted number of Rollover Credits, the additional unused credits will automatically expire.
  2. 2. Committed Membership Plans. Certain members may receive a gift for joining in exchange for their commitment to remain a member for the period of time specified at the time of enrollment. Members who sign up to a committed membership plan and receive the gift benefit will have 14 days to cancel their membership plan, however, we will only issue them a full refund for membership fees if they have not used any Credits or used the gift benefit during those 14 days. If they have redeemed Credits or used the gift benefit within 14 days of signing up for a membership, we may withhold from their refund the value of the redeemed Credit(s) and the value of the used gift benefit. After 14 days, members will not receive a full or partial refund for any membership fees already paid and will not be able to cancel the plan prior to the expiration of the initial term of the plan. By signing up for a Committed Membership Plan, you acknowledge and agree to this.
  3. 3. Trial Offers. Audible may, in its sole discretion, make available free or paid trial offers for a monthly or annual membership plan, the terms of which will be more fully explained on the Audible Service (a "Trial Offer"). You must have a valid payment instrument, such as a credit card or other permitted payment method, on file in your Audible Account in order to initiate a Trial Offer. Audible may request a temporary authorization from the financial institution issuing your credit card or other payment instrument in order to confirm the validity of the credit card or other payment instrument to verify your eligibility to participate in any Trial Offer. Any Credits issued in connection with a Trial Offer or Audible Content purchased with such Credits are issued and provided subject to such verification and may be revoked by Audible in the event that such verification fails. Upon expiration of the trial, you will automatically be joined into the related membership plan and Audible will charge your default payment instrument the relevant monthly fee or annual fee, as applicable. If your default payment method is declined for any reason, Audible may charge any payment instrument on file with your Amazon account. YOU MUST CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP PRIOR TO THE END OF THE TRIAL OFFER TO AVOID CHARGES. Trial Offers are limited to one per household.
  4. 4. Credits. Audible Plan members receive credits that may be used to purchase Audible Content on the Audible Service ("Credits"). Credits may only be used to purchase Audible Content. If you purchase Audible Content in excess of the number of available Credits under your Audible Plan, your default payment instrument will be billed the price for the applicable Audible Content. Credits include Membership Credits, Rollover Credits, and Complimentary Credits, as described below. Credits are nontransferable. Credits that do not rollover, expire in accordance with their terms.
    • Membership Credits. Membership credits are Credits that members receive on a monthly or annual basis.
    • Rollover Credits All members are permitted a certain number of Rollover Credits, as described above.
    • Complimentary Credits. Complimentary Credits are Credits that Audible gives Audible Plan members and non-members through goodwill, member anniversaries, no-risk listen opportunities, or in other situations, in each case, as determined by Audible in its sole discretion. Complimentary Credits are credited to a member's Audible Account. Complimentary Credits expire in accordance with their terms. You must have an Audible Account in order to receive Complimentary Credits.
  5. 5. Audible Plan Prices. Prices of Audible Plans are subject to change at any time. Prices of Committed Membership Plans are not subject to change during the initial commitment period.
  6. 6. Upgrading or Downgrading a Plan. You may upgrade your Audible Plan on the Audible Service. You may also, subject to any minimum term commitment that may apply, downgrade your Audible Plan online or by contacting Audible customer care. Such Audible Account changes will be effective as of the date of your request and your membership will become subject to the new plan you selected. Audible Plans may be upgraded or downgraded as follows:
    • Audible Membership Plans.
      • i. Upgrades. 1 Book Members can upgrade to 2 Book Membership Plans and monthly members can upgrade to annual plans. Any available Credits, including any Rollover Credits, that a 1 Book Member has accumulated will be transferred to the new upgraded plan in accordance with the rules for the new membership plan. Upon any upgrade, Audible will charge your default payment instrument the pro-rated additional fee for the 2 Book Membership Plan. If your default payment instrument is declined for any reason, Audible may charge any payment instrument on file with your Amazon account. 24 Book Annual Members cannot upgrade to another Audible Plan.
      • ii. Downgrades. 1 Book Monthly Plan Members cannot downgrade to any other membership plan. All other members can downgrade to the 1 Book Monthly Plan. Any available Credits, including any Rollover Credits, will be transferred to the new downgraded membership plan, in accordance with the rules for such new membership plan.
    • Committed Membership Plans. If you joined a Committed Membership Plan, you may only upgrade or downgrade to another Audible Plan once the term for your current Committed Membership Plan expires. After the expiration of the Commitment Period, members will automatically become a regular member, depending on the plan they chose, and may upgrade or downgrade their plan, as set forth in these Audible Plan Terms.
  7. 7. Cancellation of Audible Plans.
    • If you are in a Trial Offer period you may cancel your membership at any time during the Trial Offer period by visiting your Account Details page or contacting Customer Care and you will not be charged any fees. After your Trial Offer period is over, you can cancel at any time by visiting your Account Details page or contacting Customer Care, but you will not receive a full or partial refund of any membership fees already paid. Upon cancellation, all of your available Credits, other than Gift Credits or Complimentary Credits will expire. By signing up for a Trial Offer, you acknowledge and agree to this.
    • If your membership did not begin with a Trial Offer, you have 14 days to cancel your membership plan, however, we will only issue you a full refund of any membership fees if you have not redeemed any Credits. If you have redeemed Credits within 14 days of signing up for a membership, we may withhold from your refund the value of the redeemed Credit(s). You may cancel by contacting Customer Care. After you have been a member for 14 days, unless you are a member of a Committed Plan, you may cancel at any time by visiting your Account Details page or contacting Customer Care, but you will not receive a full or partial refund of any membership fees already paid. Upon cancellation, all of your available Credits, other than Gift Credits or Complimentary Credits will expire. By signing up for a membership, you acknowledge and agree to this.
    • If you signed up for your membership using the Audible iOS mobile application, please visit your Account Details page for information on how to cancel your membership.
    • Customer Care may be contacted 7 days a week, 24 hours a day at Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day by phone: 0800 496 2455 (UK Free Phone) or + 44 (0) 203 356 6218 (International). Or you can email:, at any time

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Notice And Procedure For Making Claims Of Copyright Infringement


Consistent with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, if you believe that your copyrighted materials have been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide Audible's designated agent the written information specified below. Please note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying Audible that your copyrighted material has been infringed.

  • A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed upon;
  • A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Audible Service;
  • Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
  • A statement by you that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
  • A statement of truth made by you declaring that the above information in your notice is accurate and true and that you are the copyright owner or authorised to act on the copyright owner's behalf and that your statement can be used in any court proceedings that may arise out of or relating to the infringing material; and
  • An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest.

Audible's designated agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement on the Audible Service can be reached as follows:

Copyright Agent
Audible, Inc. Legal Department
One Washington Park, 16th Floor
Newark, NJ 07102 USA
phone: (973) 820-0686


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Notice And Procedure For Notifying Audible Of Defamatory Content


If you believe that any content on, or advertised for sale on, the Site contains a defamatory statement, please notify us immediately by copying the Notice to Audible of Defamatory Content below into your word processor program, complete it in accordance with the instructions set out in the Notice and send a printed signed copy to: Defamation Notices, Audible, Inc., Legal Department, 1 Washington Park, 16th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102, USA. Please note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying Audible of Defamatory content on or advertised for sale on the Site. Please provide your address, telephone number, and e-mail address when sending the notice to us.

Important Warning: giving false, misleading or inaccurate information in the Notice to Audible of Defamatory Content may result in civil and criminal liability.

Notice to Audible of Defamatory Content in the matter of


I, [please set out your full name] of [please give your postal address], [please state your occupation], say as follows:

    1. 1. I refer to the website ("the website"). I make this statement in support of my giving Audible notice that, via the website, it is causing or contributing to the publication of a defamatory statement.
    2. 2. The defamatory words (delete whichever paragraph is not applicable):
      1. a. appear in an audiobook being sold by Audible via the website entitled [please state the audiobook name and its author]. The defamatory words appear around the [please state approximate location(s) where you consider there are defamatory words] minute mark.


      1. b. appear on the website at [please cut and paste the address of the relevant Web page from the website where the defamatory words appear].
    1. 3. The words that I consider to be defamatory are [please repeat the exact words you are complaining about].
    2. 4. These words are defamatory because [please state why you consider the words are defamatory].
    3. 5. The defamatory words are untrue because [please explain why the words complained of are untrue and what you believe the true position is].
    4. 6. I understand that this statement may be used in any court proceedings that may arise out of or relating to the defamatory words which I have complained about.

      Statement of Truth

      I declare the facts stated above to be true.




Afinstallering af Audible Audiobooks

Hvis du på et tidspunkt skulle ønske at afinstallere Audible Audiobooks fra din computer igen, så kan du her se, hvordan du kan gøre dette:
  1. Åben kontrolpanelet i Windows
  2. Vælg “Tilføj/Fjern programmer”
  3. Find Audible Audiobooks, markér det og vælg “Afinstaller”
  4. Følg nu processen
Skulle Audible Audiobooks være blevet beskadiget og svært at fjerne manuelt, så kan vi anbefale dig at finde hjælp til afinstallering her.
Denne fil er desværre midlertidigt sat i karantæne på vores server da vi mistænker den for at indeholde skadelig kode. Prøv venligst igen en anden dag.